Humboldt in collaboration with Unicert, which is the exclusive representative of Frederick University in Greece and the Balkans, enables the acquisition of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Diplomas in person and at Distance, which are recognized by the Interdisciplinary Recognition of Academic and Information Titles Organization.

Frederick University of Cyprus operates 16 Departments in 6 Schools.

1. School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
2. School of Education
3. School of Economics and Management
4. School of Architecture, Fine Arts and Applied Arts 5. School of Health Sciences
6. School of Humanities and Social Sciences

For more informations on acquiring Undergraduate and Postgraduate Study Titles, please visit

Humboldt in cooperation with the “Europroodos” Education & Certification Group, develops and implements continuing vocational training programs for unemployed, workers, self-employed as well as for per- sons belonging to vulnerable social groups.

For more details on current Vocational Training Programs, please visit

Humboldt in collaboration with Unicert, the Internationally Recognized Human Resource Certifying Body, issues Certificates of Knowledge and Skills in the following areas:

a. Tourism sector
b. Supply Chain (Logistics)
c. Retail Trade
d. Export Trade Section
e. IT and Communications Technology
f. Environmental Sector
g. Construction Sector
h. Energy Sector
i. Food and Beverage Sector

They also undertake the issuing of Certificates of Professional Knowledge and Skills to job-seekers or already working in specialized professional and technical fields.

For more details about Job Certification at

Humboldt proposes and organizes training programs on specialized subjects, which can also be done through the successful German education system, known as Training or Practice Firms. They are addressed to executives and staff of the private and public sector, freelancers and generally to those seeking specialized training and aspiring to occupy rewarding positions in the Greek and European markets.

Within the framework of the Community Support Frame, Vocational Training programs for business staff are funded by the European Social Fund (ESF). Humboldt SA undertakes the process of drafting and submitting the dossier, organizing and implementing these programs after approval and the repayment process.

HUMBOLDT with its educational experience and rich subject matter in all key areas of Service Provision, or- ganizes and implements Vocational Training programs within the framework of 0.24% OAED / LAEK, offering integrated training solutions to private enterprises, broad public sector bodies.

For more information, click here